Sunday, October 31, 2010


Halloween was AMAZING last night! We tricked out my dad's truck... it had a ghost table cloth on the side, pumpkin shaped lights on the side, a light up pumpkin on top, and Halloween music playing! It was AWESOME! I went trick-or-treating with my neighbors Chloe and Eric! I was a Q-tip, Chloe was Lady Gaga, and Eric was a creepy Werewolf! I got a TON of candy! I got Reese's, Snickers, Hershey's, Whoppers, Twix, Bubble Gum, Butterfingers, 3 Musketeers, Kit Kats, M&M's, Bottle Caps, Sweet Tarts, Lafy Tafy, Mike & Ikes, Hot Tamales, Nerds, Lolly Pops, Tootsie Rolls, Now and Laters, Yorks, Star Bursts, Pixi Stix, Skittles, Parachute men (Parachute men are not candy), and more! What is your favorite candy?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Week 2 Song of the week!

This is where you can comment for this weeks song of the week!


OMG, I am so sorry I haven't been posting! I have been grounded all week and just got my computer back! This weekend I didn't do much except cleaning! I cleaned my room and did the laundry all week! The only good thing that happened to me was last night! I went to the Coastal Empire Fair! I went with Becca.We got there and we rode The Gravatron,The Orbiter, The Fureball, The Ferris Weel, and a lot more! My favorite was The Orbiter! It was so much fun! What is your favorite amusement park ride?

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Today I went to church. After church we went to lunch at Shane's Rib Shack (I LOVE SHANE'S!) After we went home, but we went back to the church to polish the pews! It was tiring but rewarding! When we came back home I had to read for homwork "The Watson's Go to Burmingham" My mom has read it and she says it is SOOO good! I am excited to read it! Another book I can't wait to read is "Flower's in the Attic" My friend has read that and she says it is a GREAT book! What i your favorite book?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory The Oompa Loompa Song Lyrics


Just got back from play tryouts for Willy Wonka with Erin and Becca! It was funn! We had to do this really hard dance, we had to sing, and read part of the script... I can't do the jazz square! Also I can NOT sing saprano! It was still funn though! I love being in the school plays i've been in them 2 years in a row i've been in... Pirates of Penzance, High School Musical (It sucked!), and this year if I get in will be my 3rd year and it is Willy Wonka! I will probably end up being an oompa loompa! Well we texted this guy named Eli and told him our name was kimmie! Well he kept asking Becca (aka Kimmie) all these questions and she would answer him and he would say you are lying and then he would go "OH NO!" in a really strange voice! Later during play tryouts we said "Heyy Eli it's Kimmie!"  and he was like it was YALL! If you could be in a play which play would it be???

Friday, October 22, 2010


Owie! ok so after school we had becca and erin come home with us! well we went to the mall and bought fake fingernails just for kicks and giggles... when we got home we put them on and they HURT so bad! Becca and Erin gave up on it but I kept trying! I finally got them all on and now I'm typing with them but they keep popping off! When we were at the mall we spent most of our time in the Barns and Noble at the cafe it was sooooo good! I got a LARGE vanilla bean frapachino and a rice crispy treat, Becca got a small vanilla bean frapachino and a rice crispy treat and Erin got a double chocolate chip frapachio and a HUGE triple choclate chip cookie! then we came home and put on the fake fingernails! Now we are watching The Hand that Rocks the Cradle!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cinnamon Toast Crunch!!!

OMG! I LOVE CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH!!! I just ate a big ol' bowl of General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch! It was SOOOOO YUMMY! Cinnamon Toast Crunch is my most FAVORITE cereal! If I had to go to the store right now and buy only 1 of the how ever many types of cereal there are I would buy Cinnamon Toast Crunch! What is your favorite cereal?


Heyy peoples! I just wanted to make a quick post before I start my DREADED homework! What's been goin' on?! Well Today at school I made up my Science and Math TEST and my History and English QUIZ! Tomorrow I'm going to make up my History TEST!
Science TEST= 87%
Math TEST= pending
History QUIZ= 70%
English QUIZ= 95%
History TEST= 78%
Well after school I went home with my bestie Becca! She took me to the marsh and then we came back to her house to be attacked by her little bro (Thomas) ugh! I had to pretend to die! Then we went outside and he chased us into the street with a T-ball bat! (He is NOT allowed in the street... HEHE!) Then my mom came and got me and we got home to find our neighbor's  HUGE Water Oak (type of tree for those who don't know) on the ground! I was devastated! well then my neighbor came over and she got a blog too! CHECK IT OUT at...
Thanks I know she will appreciate viewers!
Oh, and by the way... here's a photo of the fallen oak tree and my two kitties Skittles (grey and white) and Archie (orange). 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Good Day!

Today I had a pretty good day at school... besides the fact that I had to make up an English quiz and a math test and I still have to make up a science & history test, and a history quiz... I have been sick since Saturday :( so I missed Monday and Tuesday! Today after school I went on a jog with my mom (I really ran ahead of her! :P) It was going good until I got to the house with 2 CRAZY dogs! Then I heard them barking and I freaked out! I RAN! Then I saw this guy and his dog went around the corner towards the house and the dogs started barking at them and I felt ALOT better so I slowed down. When I got home I came in and took a shower now I feel HAPPY, tired, and satisfied!
Later I am going to watch a NEW episode of... SURVIVOR: Nicaragua

Week 1 song of the Week!

This will be where you leave your comments to request a song for Song of the Week! Scroll down the page to see the "Rules for Song of the Week!"

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Get Ready Get Set... GO!

YAY! Today I start my first blog... im EXCITED! Hopefully this blog will be fun for both me and my viewers. Im going to tell you a little bit about myself...
1. I love reading and writing
2. I have a ton of pets... a dog, 6 cats, 2 chickens (we used to have 3 but echo sadly... died), and a whole forest of animals around us!
3. Family and friends are everything to me!
My animals... my dog- ruby, cats- archie, skittles, scooter, trixie, muffin, and puff, chickens- Geral Deen, Edith, and R.I.P Echo... we also have deer, coons, and all sorts of animals living in the woods around us!